EPLÚ en senz°
With EPLÚ Management Support, I stand for professionalism and quality. Exactly what is reflected in the senz° umbrella. The regular clients of EPLÚ already have it: the original senz° storm umbrella from EPLÚ, as a "thank you" for their confidence in my services.
The senz° is a result of frustration with traditional umbrellas. Three students from the Technical University of Delft decided to design the perfect umbrella, a design that revolves all those nasty umbrella frustrations. The original senz° storm umbrella protects against all weather conditions and can withstand 100km/h winds. Read more.
Besides I am a big fan of this many awards winning and internationally renowned senz° storm umbrella, I can also completely agree with the three founders' goal. Because I too have decided to change course, by founding EPLÚ Management Support five years ago and from that moment on, as an entrepreneur, solve all my clients organizing, communications and marketing issues. As part of this, I am also working as a translator and, through my official admission to the NGTV - Dutch Association of Interpreters and Translators- I can protect my clients ongoing against any outside influence that can affect the quality required!
In 2011 heb ik bij Philip Hess, één van de oprichters van senz°, een dag in het bedrijf meegekeken. Read the full report of this expedition. Sindsdien hebben we een bijzondere samenwerking - Philip is ook de allereerste spreker van het door mij in 2017 opgerichte Team EPLÚ - en zet ik, als officieel senz° ambassadeur, mijn expertise op het gebied van communicatie en marketing in om het bedrijf te helpen de wereld verder te veroveren!
For that, I am very honored to introduce you here with the many awards winning senz° storm umbrella. Ontdek het zelf en bekijk het volledige assortiment van senz°.
Enjoy the weather!
Anne Marie Westra-Nijhuis